About Us

The Alexandria Music Makers Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing non-primary school music education to deserving young musicians.   

Our vision is that all children in Alexandria have the opportunity to study music at a private music school.  

Our mission is to provide scholarships to children in our area so they can study music at any of our partner schools.  Some music schools, such as Guitar Center, have scholarship funds, but they are only available to use at that particular school.  If that works for the student - great!  However, there are many reasons, such as location, instructor availability, etc. that may prohibit or greatly inhibit a student's ability to study at a specific school.  Most of the area music schools do not have scholarship funds; primarily because they are smaller schools without the in-house resources to have such a fund.  That's where we come in - the Alexandria Music Makers Scholarship Fund fills the gap by providing scholarships for students to attend those other schools.  Nothing against the big schools - they are leading the way, but they leave gaps.  

We are also avid supporters of school programs, but they also have their limitations.  A great way for the 4th chair trumpet in the school band to become 1st chair is to take private lessons.  Same for the aspiring singer/songwriter or future bass legend.  Often private lessons are the best and sometimes the only way to pursue one's musical aspirations.  The only barrier for some is the cost.  In Alexandria, a year of 30-minute per week lessons costs around $2,300 (not including instrument, study materials, accessories, etc.).  

With this vision and misison in mind, a small group of like-minded music-lovers created the Alexandria Music Makers Scholarship Fund.  We rely on donations to provide music education to our community’s low-income children and hope you can help.